Monday, April 22, 2013
Alex visits!
It's been a great weekend with Alex. I am so happy that he is back and is doing well. I guess we are used to having our quiet house again but it's ok for a few days. Alex saw a lot of friends but took time to take us for dinner and went to see his grandma three times. What a good guy he is. We are going to miss him but maybe we'll fret a bit less (me especially)
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Ava and her mom come to visit
What a great week we have had! Ava and Catherine stayed for five days. It was so much fun. We went over to Saltspring on Wednesday and had a lovely day with Auntie Lorill/Heather. Ava is 5 months old and she is adorable. She is sleeping better, smiling and laughing, rolling over, screaming, and full of beans. She never stops moving until she gives in and goes to sleep. Catherine is loving it, and is such a pro. I miss them so much! (But will enjoy having a nap this afternoon).
Thursday, March 14, 2013
March already
Well, spring is almost here - although it's been a very rainy spring break. I feel pretty good most of the time though. I feel like things are moving forward. So much has happened - it's been three months after all!
As for Alex, he is now working in Airdrie, and living there too. It was a long and challenging road. Son-in-law Paul found out they were hiring at Pro-Pak in Airdrie, and put in a good word for Alex. Alex, who had found a job washing dishes in Sidney, got a call to go out for an interview, and within 48 hours he was on his way. He flew out with just a few possessions and stayed with C&P. No one guessed it would be for over a month! The interview went not so well, but finally the guy called back and said Alex had the job if he could get his CWB rating. He tried, but didn't make it the first time. He practised the following weekend, then went back the following Wednesday and passed two out of three. He got the job, and Catherine and Paul helped him find a place within walking distance of his new job. He is doing pretty well I think. He is proud to be making $17/hr. He can get his license now but can't really afford a car so he is just waiting, walking to work every day. Friends are taking him here and there. I still worry when he doesn't get in touch. I think he still is struggling with some issues, and it's hard not to micro-manage his life. He is 22 after all, and we have to let him go. But, there is progress. I hope he will come back for Easter and for John's birthday.
Catherine, Paul and Ava are doing so well. Ava is 5 months now. She is very cute - and very energetic. Catherine and Paul are constantly tired, but they are so good at being parents now, and having a great time. We are excited that Catherine and Ava are coming next week!The crib is all set up for her.
Andrew is settled in in Berkeley, with Sheralyn and Jackson some of the time. Sadly, Lorretta has cancer and has been in hospital for almost six weeks now.She is weak and they haven't started chemo yet. It's been a hard time for Sheralyn and Jackson too. Andrew seems to love his job there, and when they are all down there they are having a great time.
Heather came over last weekend. She needs more money to pay for a big phone bill.
March 14
Well, I just wrote a long message about what's happened over the last three months but the computer automatically shut down and it's gone. I guess it just wasn't meant to be. Here is is in point form, since I don't want to write it all again. It has been one of the hardest times of my life and I just didn't want to write. Ironically, it has also been full of happy moments.
. Christmas was great, with all of us here for a big dinner. It was busy but fun. We rented a car so it was a little less crazy car-wise. We helped look after Ava, who was only two months old, and of course, Jackson was over a lot.
. Alex got a lead on a job in Airdrie. He flew out on January 9th or so, very soon after getting a call for an interview. After a month of highs and lows, he got the job and started Feb. 1 at Pro-Pak, where Paul works. We will be forever grateful to him for finding that job and for helping Alex through that month while he waited to hear. Alex seems to be doing well.
. Alex can get his license now but he can't really afford a car, so he is just walking to work. Friends drive him to the mountain or into town. He seems to be making new friends but misses the old ones a lot. He hopes to come back for Easter/John's birthday.
. Heather has not had a great winter. She had a huge phone bill from roaming charges in the U.S., and hasn't had a phone for months. She is working at the daycare. I think roller derby is keeping her going. She wants to get out of Saltspring by May.
.Andrew, Sheralyn and Jackson got nicely settled in to their apartment in Berkeley. Just two weeks after they moved in, Sheralyn and Jackson were back, looking after her mom, who was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. It got complicated when she developed a perforated bowel. She has been transferred to Jubilee where she is slowly recovering and waiting to start chemo.
. I have been working a lot. I am enjoying spring break right now. We are still hoping to get away on a trip but I am waiting to see about a job possibly starting around April 11th.
. We have a new car! It's a 2007 Yaris and we really like it. It had less than 21,000 km. on it and it's in great shape. Nice for Catherine's visit in just a few days!
.As soon as Alex moved out I cleaned out his room, and painted it. That was a hard job, with so many dings and nail/tack holes. John put laminate down on the floor and just this week we moved the furniture back in. It's looking good! Next job, maybe the office.
I have spent about an hour each day power washing the deck! It is looking good - I'm pretty stiff though! John has been busy out in the yard, trimming things down. We want to be ready!
. John checked his mason bees and was so happy to be the proud father of more than ten bees! He put them outside and is kind of worried about them, but I think they will be OK.
. We have been going out a lot! We went for dinner at Ferris's on Monday, then to the Debater's taping - very fun. Last night was the Belfry, and tomorrow we are going again. I am enjoying going out, and enjoying just having time during the day to do stuff.
Maybe Sheralyn and Jackson will come over today.
That's a bit of a catch-up!
Thursday, December 6, 2012
December 6
Hello blog, I haven't written in a while. It was great to be in Calgary, and spend time with Catherine and Paul and wonderful AVA! I also helped Andrew move. When I got back though, things got bad. We went out to the parade and sailpast on Saturday night the 24th, not having heard from Alex all day which was a worry. We got a message from him later on that night admitting that he had got in trouble - car impounded for 30 days and a 90 day driving suspension. It's been a hard month for him and for us too. I am sorry for him but also frustrated that he hasn't got a job.
I know we will get through this. Thank goodness for the rest of our family!
Heather visited last night and today. She and Alex helped decorate the tree. It was fun.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Cabin close-up; Jackson and Sheralyn are coming
We had two lovely days at the cabin. Everything was working. It was sunny, and not too cold for the time of year. I enjoyed our kayak ride to Duck Bay to bring the kayaks up to the cabin. We saw lots of harlequin ducks - beautiful! We closed up yesterday morning. I closed all of the windows and put the bedding upstairs. I put Calcium Chloride around to sop up some of the dampness. Both doors and windows were locked. We had to get an earlier water taxi so we went for coffee at Nancy's, then in to Powell River for a quick browse at the Goodwill (I found my Hearts&Flowers there, but it was a whole set so I decided not to buy it - a good deal at $35!) I was reading "A Good Man" - a bit of a slog but a very good book. I also started on Alex's socks. We brought two DVD's up to watch but the second didn't work, giving us a bit of cabin fever on the last night. It gets dark so early. John got oysters and we had them for dinner when we got home.
Catherine called on Friday, in the midst of a panic attack. Poor thing, she can't sleep sometimes. It is so hard for her right now. She phoned again yesterday and talked to John as he was walking to the dock to leave and she sounded much better. I hope that lasts.
We got home to find that Alex has had his license suspended and can't drive, apparently because of the accident of a couple of weeks ago. He hasn't found a job yet and it is galling that he has bought pizza gone to parties using the money I have given him. I am going to give it another few days before I go to a counselor with him. I have to remember he has broken up with Sharah and it's a hard time for him.
Remembrance Day today. The sun has gone, which is appropriate. We will probably go and visit Margaret.
Jackson and Sheralyn arrive tonight!
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Nov. 7, 2012
I got tickets to Calgary! I leave Saturday night, the 17th. Catherine had another hard night last night, and I am worried. I am so glad I am going. Holly had her operation today and she thinks it was a success.
I subbed for a Grade Four class today. Fun! A highlight was the owls they drew. It was a good day. They also did a crossword about Remembrance Day.
I biked to work, since it was a nice day, and I had choir afterward so it was good to get my exercise in.
We go to the cabin tomorrow.
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