Sunday, March 22, 2009

Pressure washing as therapy

I got my little electric pressure washer fixed this week. It works like a charm now, so I spent yesterday, a sunny day for a change, out powerwashing the deck. It's so therapeutic, washing all the green stuff off to reveal the clean wood below. It feels as if winter has lifted along with the algae!
This week is going to be an exciting one. Catherine arrives on Tuesday, Mom's 85th birthday coincidentally, and we are heading down to Seattle aboard the Clipper for a two night, one day getaway. Then we'll come back to celebrate John's 60th birthday. Andrew will be here on the 27th, and Heather will be over from Saltspring for the big day. Sheralyn will be here on the 31st, too late for the party but it will be great to see her in the last trimester!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Substitute teaching

Today I taught in a kindergarten class. I don't think I could do it full time, but being with kindergarten kids is pretty great. They see the world in a magical way, and most of them love all adults without any pre-judgment. They truly become a part of their fantasies. Today they were making an "airport" centre and busily preparing baggage tags to exotic locations like YVR. The best part of the day was waiting outside for them to meet their moms and dads. Such love!It makes me feel so happy that we're going to have a grandchild soon!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Oscar Night, and Dad's birthday

Tonight was nice. Even though we haven't seen many of the movies, I love watching the Academy Awards. We did see Vicky Cristina Barcelona last night, and I liked it. This surprised me, since Woody Allen is usually a little too weird for me. Alex and I saw Slumdog Millionaire, which you may already know, really cleaned up tonight.
This afternoon we went to the Belfry to see a good, but very long play called "The Real Thing". There is so much talent here, I can't believe these actors aren't more famous!
Tonight was also my dad's birthday, also known as Grandpa Art. He would have been 91 years old today. Happy birthday Dad!