Sunday, November 11, 2012

Cabin close-up; Jackson and Sheralyn are coming

We had two lovely days at the cabin. Everything was working. It was sunny, and not too cold for the time of year. I enjoyed our kayak ride to Duck Bay to bring the kayaks up to the cabin. We saw lots of harlequin ducks - beautiful! We closed up yesterday morning. I closed all of the windows and put the bedding upstairs. I put Calcium Chloride around to sop up some of the dampness. Both doors and windows were locked. We had to get an earlier water taxi so we went for coffee at Nancy's, then in to Powell River for a quick browse at the Goodwill (I found my Hearts&Flowers there, but it was a whole set so I decided not to buy it - a good deal at $35!) I was reading "A Good Man" - a bit of a slog but a very good book. I also started on Alex's socks. We brought two DVD's up to watch but the second didn't work, giving us a bit of cabin fever on the last night. It gets dark so early. John got oysters and we had them for dinner when we got home. Catherine called on Friday, in the midst of a panic attack. Poor thing, she can't sleep sometimes. It is so hard for her right now. She phoned again yesterday and talked to John as he was walking to the dock to leave and she sounded much better. I hope that lasts. We got home to find that Alex has had his license suspended and can't drive, apparently because of the accident of a couple of weeks ago. He hasn't found a job yet and it is galling that he has bought pizza gone to parties using the money I have given him. I am going to give it another few days before I go to a counselor with him. I have to remember he has broken up with Sharah and it's a hard time for him. Remembrance Day today. The sun has gone, which is appropriate. We will probably go and visit Margaret. Jackson and Sheralyn arrive tonight!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Nov. 7, 2012

I got tickets to Calgary! I leave Saturday night, the 17th. Catherine had another hard night last night, and I am worried. I am so glad I am going. Holly had her operation today and she thinks it was a success. I subbed for a Grade Four class today. Fun! A highlight was the owls they drew. It was a good day. They also did a crossword about Remembrance Day. I biked to work, since it was a nice day, and I had choir afterward so it was good to get my exercise in. We go to the cabin tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Nov. 6

It's been and up and down week! Catherine phoned in tears yesterday, and I felt I should go back, especially when I spoke to her again yesterday afternoon and she was still crying. I would have to miss Sheralyn and Jack coming and several teaching gigs but I was ready to go. Then she called early this morning to say that she slept last night and she is much better - no need for me to go. However, I will go to her shower on the 18th, or at least that is the hope. I will order tonight. Heather's birthday today and at least we got a couple of Facebook messages from her. I sent her good wishes and her birthday money. She is in Nelson tonight and says she will be closer to home next week and will see us then. Alex put out some feelers today. We had a long talk about how to work out this situation of him being home. Expectations, etc. I think we needed to clear the air. I'm glad he got out there and really hope he gets something soon! I know he wants to move out and we are so ready for him to do that. It's election day and we are watching the votes come in. It is very close! We hope Obama gets in, of course, but it is so close that there will be problems running the country. We are going to the cabin on Thursday, and since I work tomorrow, I got busy today and made tuna casserole and sweet&sour chicken so that there won't be a lot of cooking to do. I also made a pizza (very good) and some sausage rolls with the extra dough/sausages. Little Ava's stocking is looking good. It's important to do a good job because she will probably use it for her whole life, at least I hope she will. Maybe she will just decide to get her own stocking when she's bigger. I still have mine! Anyway, I am missing Heather and wishing we could be together. Have a great birthday and a wonderful 29th year!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Nov. 4

We "fell back" last night and I am sort of out of it. I woke up at 6:00 as usual, but it was only 5:00 because of the time change. I worked on Ava's stocking, which is coming along nicely. Then I went downtown and started Christmas shopping, always a good picker-upper. To top it off we went for dinner at the White Spot to celebrate Alex's finishing his welding. I think things are healing- but he couldn't wait to get out of there to go and see his friends, and he was texting most of the time! We watched "The Avengers" last night and I barely made it through without going to sleep. Wish me luck tonight as I try to watch "The Mentalist" and "Call the Midwife!"

Saturday, November 3, 2012

November 3

A rainy Saturday - not my favourite day ever, but lots to be thankful for. Catherine phoned last night and she is doing much better. She slept last night. I think little Ava is turning a corner. Also, Alex phoned to say he has got his welding ticket. He seems to be feeling pretty good about himself right now. I started Catherine's stocking, with the idea of a bird design. I visited John's mom earlier. She was quite confused but liked the sweater I got her. I haven't heard from Heather in over a month:{