Saturday, September 20, 2008

Fall resolutions

Hi everyone!

Remember the Hamilton Herald? Well, it has been defunct for a year or two now. This is unfortunate, but it took me so long to create that by the time I got it out, it was old news!

So, I am going to post news and opinions here, and invite everyone to do the same. I would love to hear from all of you. So I will do some of the writing, and you can too.

It's officially fall starting tomorrow. Here's our news since the wedding (Which, by the way, was one of the best times of my life so far!):

We had a nice couple of weeks at Savary, and then came home to attend to things here. I am enjoying a year's leave. The days go by quite nicely, with very little stress, which is great.

Margaret is adjusting to life in Oak Bay Lodge. On Tuesday she'll be having cataract surgery and she will probably be amazed by how well she can see. We have been busy organizing her home, and decided that it really needed a stain, which would only take a weekend. Wrong! A house always takes more time than you think, because it has more nooks and crannies than you thought it did, not to mention awkward bits, underneath bits, etc. etc. The weather has turned a little, so Alex and I are working tomorrow to try to finish it off. I remember Mom doing a lot of painting. Maybe me and Donna have inherited that trait. I remember her telling me that she had gone to a psychic once, and the lady looked at her suddenly and said, "What are you going to do with all that paint?" (I don't think Mom ever did use it all!)

Catherine has started her soon-to-be illustrious teaching career. We hope that she will love it when the dust settles. She acknowledges that I did warn her about all of the bureaucracy involved. She says the kids are great! It's all the other stuff, like supervision, endless staff meetings, long range plans, etc. etc.

Heather will soon be home from her Ironstone Lookout post, where she's been since May, except for the wedding. We are looking forward to having her home...

Alex is getting through Grade 12, and might be able to finish early, in January. English and History are his best subjects, but Biology may have to be dropped. I guess we're not getting any doctors in this family!! (except for Andrew, who hopes to be a Doctor of Science, and who knows about the rest).

Andrew and Sheralyn have moved into a house in Sunnyside! I think they moved this week, but they still have until the end of September to clear out from their basement suite. They'll be paying quite a bit more rent, but it's a house, with a garage, and it's in a great location. Sunnyside is beautiful, plus it's close to the C-Train for Andrew and to Crave for Sheralyn.

I am excited that Holly is coming out for a visit next month! (So is Margaret, because she loves Holly so much!)

It's birthday season in our family.

Melody's birthday is next week.

Caleigh and Manolo are our October celebrants.

I've been reading some good books: I recommend these ones:
Water for Elephants (It takes place in the 30's when the Circus was in its heyday)
The Labrador Pact (Catherine's suggestion, from the old days when she could read for pleasure)
World Without End (It's a long one, some have called it "Book without end" but it looks promising!)

Anyway, Just write something OK? It might not be news for you, but it will be for us!


cjmacrae said...

Oh my blog!
I can't believe the day has come when my mother's technological expertise has surpassed mine.
As the blog suggests my first year teaching 'adventure' has been a bit tumultuous thus far. It has been pretty overwhelming and exhausting, but I am sure it will get better with time. Luckily, my kids are great! They keep me laughing, even when I am almost crying...what a blessing indeed.
Unfortunately, not much else to report on my end, as that would require having a non-teaching life. Here's hoping my next entry will be a little more 'balanced'...
Thinking of you all, and hoping I can see your smiling faces soon.
Catherine x

Anonymous said...

Hey Jane,
Thanks so much for doing this. It's quite technical of you, as Catherine said. I'm glad you're enjoying your semi retirement with nothing to do. Right!
I love getting up in the dark now. How about anyone else?
My life has been pretty routine with some nice little things happening, like meeting old friends for dinner (long overdue), window shopping and going for a great lunch on 17th Ave with June. I haven't done that for years!
I'm doing some work on the side for Marty, and let me tell you, he is a real slavedriver, but I'll get him trained pretty soon.

I bought myself a piano (portable) and it's very good quality. I am actually practicing a bit and hope to be playing at Carnegie Hall pretty soon.

I don't want to bore you so will sign off. Things are a killer here at the jail. Lots of laughs! I reach the 3-year mark on November 5th, not that I'm counting. Only about 2 and a bit years till I can look at going to 3 days a week, and not necessarily here.

Jane, the wedding photo is really nice!

I hope Margaret's operation went well. I'll be looking forward to seeing everyone out there next month.


Anonymous said...

Hey Jane,
Thanks so much for doing this. It's quite technical of you, as Catherine said. I'm glad you're enjoying your semi retirement with nothing to do. Right!
I love getting up in the dark now. How about anyone else?
My life has been pretty routine with some nice little things happening, like meeting old friends for dinner (long overdue), window shopping and going for a great lunch on 17th Ave with June. I haven't done that for years!
I'm doing some work on the side for Marty, and let me tell you, he is a real slavedriver, but I'll get him trained pretty soon.

I bought myself a piano (portable) and it's very good quality. I am actually practicing a bit and hope to be playing at Carnegie Hall pretty soon.

I don't want to bore you so will sign off. Things are a killer here at the jail. Lots of laughs! I reach the 3-year mark on November 5th, not that I'm counting. Only about 2 and a bit years till I can look at going to 3 days a week, and not necessarily here.

Jane, the wedding photo is really nice!

I hope Margaret's operation went well. I'll be looking forward to seeing everyone out there next month.
