Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Tuesday September 18

I have let the journal lapse for almost a week! We have been a little busier now that school is in. I took cookies in to Deep Cove last Wednesday, and have been out a couple of afternoons already. One afternoon was FSL at Kelset (tiring!) and another afternoon at Deep Cove in kindergarten immersion (tiring but good). I will be out Thursday for Cindy Lister. I enjoy it but I like being home too, especially with the weather so good! I went for lunch on Friday with Carol and Deb at the Med Grill. It was nice. I rode down via the Lochside Trail and then John picked me up. We drove up to Nanaimo and caught the ferry to Horseshoe Bay. It all worked out well, and we got to Gary and Birgitte's place by 6:30. We had a busy weekend, hiking and biking, and the weather was great. We had a late night call from Alex - he had had a bad argument with Sharah and he was very upset. We almost left for home at 4:00 in the morning but finally Alex called back to say that he would be OK. It was good to finally talk to him on Monday and resolve some issues. We have been busy with renting out the condo and so far have four couples wanting to see it. Nick our tenant will show them through. We hope that will work out. I went for a long bike ride today, to Deep Cove School and stopped to eat blackberries along the way. The weather has been so warm, it's good to get out. John and I went golfing at The Ridge. I think I am getting better, although I'm still pretty bad. We watched the second DVD of Downton Abbey. It's nice that there's something we both enjoy watching together! Yesterday was the season premiere of Bones. Yay!

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